By Brig Paddy Prasad (Retd)
Is it a fact that Russia destroyed Zaporhhizzo neuclear plant of Ukraine? A critical analysis suggests that They may have destroyed the power distribution and administrative part but not the power generation part. And since the power generation part is safe there are no danger of any nuclear radiation leak. Nuclear Facilities of Power Generation have two Major Components in Layman’s terms. The Power Generation Part and the Power distribution and Administrative part.
The Power Generation part are the Nuclear reactors and associated Nuclear facilities. These are by Construction Norms highly Protected, Underground, with built in redundancy and Failsafe measures.
The Administrative Offices and Power distribution Grid are over ground and distinctly separate from the Nuclear Components.
What has been fired upon as per International media inputs,are the Administrative buildings and Power Distribution component , Presumably to disrupt the Power Supply of Ukraine.25% of Power requirements of Ukraine are met by thus Nuclear Power Generation Complex. Disruption of Power Supplies are Valid military targets with so many previous such actions by the So called Western alliance in a lot of Wars, especially third World Countries.
A Tank fire is a Point target, precision firepower and not generalized, indiscriminate Area Shelling weapons like Indirect fire of Arty or Rockets.
Inputs from IAEA and American surveillance indicates no radiation leaks herein. Most of the Ukranian Nuclear reactors, are of Soviet Era design and construction. Hence,the Russians obviously know what they are doing.
The Russian Armed Forces are not Novices or a ‘Rag a Tag’ group of Freebooters. They are highly Professional, Disciplined ,with Good Command and Control. Lastly, in a Nuclear Incident of this kind at Close Quarters, the Perpetrators themselves would have been seriously affected for rest of their Lives.
Prognosis: Zhelenski is apparently Screaming Nuclear danger to milk it for Propaganda Value and Extract more International Aid and Pressure.