IJU calls for economic packages for media houses, expresses concern at the arrests harassments of journalists
Jun 27: The Indian Journalist Union (IJU) on Friday held its National Executive Council (NEC) meeting which was participated thirteen affiliate state unions.
Chairing the virtual NEC meeting, IJU President Geetartha Patha expressed grave concern over the repressive approach being adopted by the Uttar Pradesh government towards journalists whose reports/ articles are critical to the government.
The I JU also discussed the widespread laying off journalists across the country by media houses, and resolved to write to the Prime Minister Office for announcing financial packages for the media houses in the country which are genuinely affected by the pandemic. IJU cited that in many European countries, the government has announced special packages for the media houses so that journalists may not lose their jobs. IJU regretted that the central government’s economic packages to the business houses and insurance coverages to the doctor’s and health workers did not cover the media houses and the journalists of the country.
IJU president Geetartha Pathak said that the pandemic has brought new challenges to journalists and journalism itself where job cuts, forced resignation , salary cuts along with arrests, harassments are alozt daily happenings. IJU hasdecided to hold seminars/ webinars to make journalists aware of labour laws and their rights as an employee or worker. IJU expressed serious concern at the concentration of ownership of media outlets at the hands of a few big media houses nationally and at the hands of tech giants like Google, Facebook etc globally. IJU apprehended that a news desert may affect the democracies globally by plugging the diverse sources of information which enriches democracy.